Nutritional supplements are any dietary supplement that is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities; for example, vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids or other nutritional substances. Products are usually ingested in capsule, tablet or liquid form.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Green tea extract and nutritional health benefits

In recent studies have shown that green tea extract can promote human bodies weight loss, blood sugar regulation, disease prevention and exercise recovery. Further It can also help keep our skin and liver healthy, reduce blood fat levels, regulate blood pressure and improve brain health. It can be consumed in capsule, liquid or powder form.

Green tea is made from the camellia sinensis plant. Green tea extract is a supplement derived from the green tea plant. It contains concentrated compounds of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and flavonoids of green tea.

The recommended dosage of green tea extract is between 250–500 mg per day. This amount can be obtained from 3–5 cups of green tea, or about 1.2 liters. But it's important to know that not all green tea extract supplements are created equal.
Key Benefits:-
1. High in Antioxidants
Green tea extract is rich in antioxidants called “catechins”,( Catechins are a type of phenolic compounds very abundant in tea, cocoa and berries to which are ascribed a potent antioxidant activity, especially to epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)
Which have been shown to increase antioxidant capacity and protect against oxidative stress.
2. May Promote Heart Health
The catechins in green tea may help reduce blood pressure and improve blood fat levels, which promote heart health.
3. Good for the Brain
Green tea extract has been shown to have positive effects on brain health and memory, and may help protect brain diseases.
4. Weight Loss
Green tea extract can aid weight loss by increasing the number of calories of our body burns through thermogenesis.( Thermogenesis is defined as the dissipation of energy through the production of heat and occurs in specialised tissues including brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle.)
5. Liver Function
Green tea extract seems to help improve our live function by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress.
Green tea extracts has been shown some cases to help prevent and treat several skin conditions.
7. Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Green tea extract has been shown to help maintain our bodies cell health. Further it may help prevent some types of cancer, through more research is ongoing.
8. Exercise Performance and Recovery
Green tea extract increases antioxidant protection against oxidative damage cause by exercise. This translates to better exercise performance and recovery.
9. May Help Lower Blood Sugar
Green tea extract has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and blood sugar tolerance, all while decreasing haemoglobin A1C and blood sugar levels.
Advice to Add to your Diet
Green tea extract can be consumed in liquid or powder form. The recommended dose is 250-500 mg taken with food.

Supplement recommendation  

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